
C++ Types of Inheritance

As we already know that inheritance is one of the most important pillar of object oriented programming.

C++ allows us to implement various inheritance models in a program. These inheritance models are,

  1. Multilevel inheritance
  2. Multiple inheritance
  3. Hierarchical inheritance

Lets discuss them one by one.

Multilevel Inheritance

According to this model we can derive a class from a derived class which is derived from another derived class or base class. This forms layers of inheritance.

photo1_multiple and multiple inheretance

Syntax for multilevel inheritance

class A
... .. ...
class B: public A
... .. ...
class C: public B
... ... ...

In above syntax, we are deriving class B from base class A and from B class C is derived.

Lets take an example for better understanding

Example 1:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
 void display()
 cout<<"this is base class";
class B : public A
class C : public B
int main()
 C obj;
 return 0;


this is base class

in this program, we have three classes A,B and C deriving from each other respectively, when we called function of class C, we got function of A. this due to multilevel inheritance.

Multiple Inheritance

According to this model, a derived class can be derived from multiple base classes.

photo2__multiple and multilevel inheretance

Lets understand it with an example

Example 2:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A
 A() { cout << "A's constructor" << endl; }

class B
 B() { cout << "B's constructor" << endl; }
class C: public B, public A
 C() { cout << "C's constructor" << endl; }

int main()
 C c;
 return 0;


B’s constructor
A’s constructor
C’s constructor

in the above program, you can see both the classes A and B are inherited in class C.

Note: look at the order class C: public B, public A, that is why functions are inherited in the order as given in output.

Hierarchical Inheritance

According to this model, more than one classes can be derived from the base class.

photo3__multiple and multilevel inheretance

Syntax of hierarchical inheritance is given below

class A {
 ... .. ...
class B: public A {
 ... .. ...
class C: public A {
 ... .. ...
class D: public A {
 ... .. ...