
Java List Interface

In this tutorial, we will learn about the List interface and its methods in Java.

The List interface extends Collection interface and it provides a way to store the objects in a sequential order. It provides many methods so that we can perform different operations on it.

Java List Interface
Java List Interface

Derived classes of List Interface

We can not create objects of an interface so we need derived-classes to create objects.So Java provided us 4 derived classesfor our use.They are :

  1. ArrayList
  2. LinkedList
  3. Vector
  4. Stack

Methods of List Interface

The List interface contains various methods which is used to perform different Operations.

add(element)adds element at the end of the list
add(int index, element) adds an element at a particular index in the list.
addAll(int index, Collection collection)adds all the elements in the given collection to the list.
size()It returns the size of the list.
clear()It removes all the elements in the list.
remove(int index)It removes an element from the specified index.
remove(element)It removes the first occurrence of the given element in the list.
get(int index)It returns element at the specified index.
set(int index, element)It replaces element at given index with new element.It returns the element which was just replaced by new element.
indexOf(element)It returns the first occurrence of the given element or -1 if the element is not present in the list.
lastIndexOf(element)It returns the last occurrence of the given element or -1 if the element is not present in the list.
equals(element)It compares the equality of the given element with the elements of the list.
hashcode()It returns the hashcode value of the given list.
isEmpty()It checks if the list is empty or not. It returns true if the list is empty, else false.
contains(element)It checks if the list contains the given element or not. It returns true if the list contains the element.
containsAll(Collection collection)It checks if the list contains all the collection of elements.
sort(Comparator comp)It sorts the elements of the list on the basis of the given comparator.