In this tutorial, we will learn about the Java PrintWriter, its constructors and its methods with the help of an example.
The Java PrintWriter class prints formatted representations of objects to a text-output stream.
Methods | Description |
PrintWriter append(char c) | Appends the specified character to this writer. |
PrintWriter append(CharSequence csq) | Appends the specified character sequence to this writer. |
PrintWriter append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) | Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this writer. |
boolean checkError() | Flushes the stream if it's not closed and checks its error state. |
protected void clearError() | Clears the error state of this stream. |
void close() | Closes the stream and releases any system resources associated with it. |
void flush() | Flushes the stream. |
PrintWriter format(Locale l, String format, Object... args) | Writes a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. |
PrintWriter format(String format, Object... args) | Writes a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. |
void print(boolean b) | Prints a boolean value. |
void print(char c) | Prints a character. |
void print(char[] s) | Prints an array of characters. |
void print(double d) | Prints a double-precision floating-point number. |
void print(float f) | Prints a floating-point number. |
void print(int i) | Prints an integer. |
void print(long l) | Prints a long integer. |
void print(Object obj) | Prints an object. |
void print(String s) | Prints a string. |
PrintWriter printf(Locale l, String format, Object... args) | A convenience method to write a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. |
PrintWriter printf(String format, Object... args) | A convenience method to write a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. |
void println() | Terminates the current line by writing the line separator string. |
void println(boolean x) | Prints a boolean value and then terminates the line. |
void println(char x) | Prints a character and then terminates the line. |
void println(char[] x) | Prints an array of characters and then terminates the line. |
void println(double x) | Prints a double-precision floating-point number and then terminates the line. |
void println(float x) | Prints a floating-point number and then terminates the line. |
void println(int x) | Prints an integer and then terminates the line. |
void println(long x) | Prints a long integer and then terminates the line. |
void println(Object x) | Prints an Object and then terminates the line. |
void println(String x) | Prints a String and then terminates the line. |
protected void setError() | Indicates that an error has occurred. |
void write(char[] buf) | Writes an array of characters. |
void write(char[] buf, int off, int len) | Writes A Portion of an array of characters. |
void write(int c) | Writes a single character. |
void write(String s) | Writes a string. |
void write(String s, int off, int len) | Writes a portion of a string. |
class Codemistic
public static void main(String[] args)
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter("output.txt");
int age = 25;
output.printf("I am %d years old.", age);
catch(Exception e)
Output :
A file named output.txt is created with the below content:
I am 25 years old.